Importing Help Center Articles via CSV into Gleap

Gleap offers a robust import feature allowing for the easy addition of help center articles through CSV files.

Step 1: Preparing Your CSV File

Your CSV should be organized with columns for the title, description, and HTML content of each help center article. Also, include columns for the 'Collection ID', 'Collection Title', and 'Collection Description', which are essential for categorizing your articles appropriately.

Step 2: Initiating the Import Process

Log into your Gleap dashboard and head over to the 'Help Center' section. Here you can begin the process by selecting the 'Upload a CSV' option.

Step 3: Uploading and Mapping the CSV Content

After uploading your CSV file, you'll be prompted to map your CSV columns to the corresponding fields in the Gleap help center. This step is crucial to ensure that each piece of content is imported correctly.

Step 4: Mapping Articles to Collections

Each article must be associated with a 'Collection ID' to dictate which collection it belongs to within the help center. The 'Collection Title' and 'Collection Description' fields help define the collection itself. Gleap's system is smart enough to recognize when a collection should be created or when an article should be added to an existing one, based on the 'Collection ID' provided.

Step 5: Completing the Import

Double-check your field mappings to make sure everything is set up as intended. Once confirmed, complete the import process. Gleap will then automatically organize and import the articles into the correct collections based on the information you've provided.

Important Considerations

  • Accuracy of Information: Verify the accuracy of your CSV data, especially the 'Collection ID', to ensure articles are categorized correctly.

  • Unique Collection IDs: Assign a unique 'Collection ID' for each distinct collection to prevent any organizational errors during the import.

  • Consistency: Use consistent titles and descriptions for collections to avoid confusion and maintain a cohesive structure in your help center.

  • Final Check: Before finalizing the import, review all mappings and data entries for errors. Correct mapping is essential for the integrity of your help center's organization.

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