Getting started with banners

Gleap simplifies the process of designing and displaying banners to convey important information and promotions, providing both pre-designed templates and custom banner options.

Accessing banner creation

To initiate the banner creation process, go to the "Outbound messages" section within Gleap. You can do this by selecting "All" under Outbound messages or by using the left-hand side filter for "Banners." Then, locate the "New message" option in the top-right corner of the screen.

Banner template or start from scratch

After selecting "New Banner," you will have the option to choose our template with the server issue or start from scratch. You can create visually appealing banners with customized text, images, and links to convey important information, promotions, or messages to your users.

Banner Creation and Styling in Gleap

When you create a new empty banner in Gleap, you'll be directed to the Designer page. Here, you have a real-time preview at the top, displaying how the banner will appear in the live environment. The Designer page allows you to customize the banner's styling, ensuring it aligns with your desired look and feel.

Styling Options

  1. Inline or Floating: One of the key styling choices is selecting whether the banner should appear inline or floating. This decision impacts how the banner interacts with your user interface. Inline banners are integrated into the content flow, while floating banners are more prominent and can be positioned anywhere on the screen.

  2. Text Customization: You have the flexibility to customize the text within the banner. This includes modifying the message, headline, or any other textual content to convey your message effectively.

  3. Color Scheme: Customize the color palette of the banner to match your branding or to create a visually appealing design that resonates with your audience.

  4. Sender Information: You can specify the sender information displayed on the banner, providing transparency and authenticity to your users.

  5. Close Button: Choose whether to include a close button, allowing users to dismiss the banner if they wish.

  6. Call-to-Action Button: If your banner includes a call-to-action, you can tailor the button's text and functionality to encourage user engagement.

By utilizing these styling options, you can create and customize banners in Gleap to effectively convey important information, promotions, or messages to your users while ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing design that aligns with your brand identity.

info icon
In-app banners are supported from Gleap SDK 11.1.2 onwards.
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