Create your checklist

Learn how to create your first checklist.

Learn how to create your first checklist with Gleap. Open your project and click on Outbound messages. Now click on "+ New message" and follow the guide below.

Step-by-step checklist setup:

1. Give the checklist a title

Provide a title for the checklist.

2. Give the checklist a description

Add a brief description explaining the purpose of the checklist.

3. Select the sender, which should send the checklist

Choose the sender responsible for sending the checklist.

4. Add steps

  1. Title

  2. Description: A meaningful title briefly describing the content of the step.

  3. Action: The action to be performed when the user clicks on the step.

  4. Duration: An approximate time estimate for completing the step.

  5. User Can Mark as Completed: A checkbox to determine whether the user can manually mark the step as completed.

  6. Event for Automatic Marking: A dropdown list allowing the user to select an event. When this event occurs, the step will be automatically marked as completed.

5. Success screen

Define a title and description for the success screen.

6. Set reminders

If needed, configure reminders for the checklist.

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