Complete a checklist step

Learn how to manually and automatically resolve a checklist step.

This guide shows how to manually or automatically resolve a checklist step for Gleap's checklist feature.

Manually resolve a step

Simply check the "Allow users to manually resolve this step" to enable the "Mark as done" button.

Once enabled users can mark a step as completed themselves. This is especially useful for informative tasks that don't have any completion events.

Automatically resolve a step

You can also automatically resolve a step using rules. Simply toggle the "Automatically resolve step using rules" toggle and select the event that should resolve this step.

Track events with the following code. Also check out our docs for more information on event tracking.

Gleap.trackEvent("Invited team mate");

Once an the selected event gets tracked for a customer that's currently in that step, the step will resolve itself automatically within a few seconds.

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