Getting started with Gleap’s public product roadmap

With our roadmap and feature request software you can track and manage incoming requests and let users vote on their suggestions in a public roadmap.

Get your next best feature idea from your users with Gleap’s requests management. Besides reporting bugs, users can also submit feature requests through the Gleap widget. Those requests then land in a separate board in your Gleap dashboard. In this article you’ll find out more about the specifics of the feature request dashboard and our public roadmap. 

The feature request board

This is the space where all the incoming requests land. With our default settings, the tickets will end up in the under review column. This column is special in one way: it cannot be seen on your publicly shared roadmap. This should give you and your team enough room to discuss requests before actually moving them to planned on your roadmap. 

On the top right corner in your board you can find a settings button. In those settings you can configure the columns of your board. Configure in this case means that you can add or delete columns and change their names. In those settings you can also adapt the emails users receive once they’ve submitted a feature request. 

Share board and settings

Have your users vote on feature requests with your very own product roadmap board. Share your board by even using your own URL. You can either click on the share board button in the feature request kanban to receive your roadmap URL or you can navigate to settings and then set your very own URL for full customization. In order to use your custom domain, you need to add the following CNAME record to your DNS settings. In the dashboard settings you can also set your own logo. 

Feature voting and subscriber notification

Once you shared your roadmap publicly, you can let users vote on features directly on your page to find out what they really need. Then prioritize to make informed product development decisions. Every user who gives a feature an upvote is automatically saved as a subscriber to that request. If you want to give all subscribers an update or let them know you actually released their feature, all you do is reply in that ticket’s conversation and they will all be notified. Closing the feedback loop is as easy as this.

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