Customize your public product roadmap

Fully customize your public roadmap so that it perfectly fits into your website.

There are three main things that you can customize in your public product roadmap: the URL, the logo and the message that is sent to users once you receive their feedback. Here’s how. 

Customize your roadmap URL

To make the most of your roadmap you can publish it on your own website so that users can upvote and comment on requests. To do so, you can set your own URL. Simply head to the settings tab in your feature request board and set your URL. In order to use your custom domain, you need to add the following CNAME record to your DNS settings.

Shared board options

In this section of the settings for the public roadmap, you can display the following options for everyone, only for identified users or for no one. If you use identified user, then only users who are identified can see this. User identity

  • The following see comments: everyone, identified user, nobody

  • The following can comment: everyone, identified user, nobody

  • Show roadmap button to: everyone, identified user, nobody

  • Show feedback button to: everyone, identified user, nobody

Shared tab options

You can also hide each individual tab of your public roadmap. If you hide them all, nothing is displayed. You can restrict this with the following options. If you use identified user, then only users who are identified can see this. User identity

  • Roadmap tab: everyone, identified user, nobody

  • Feature requests tab: everyone, identified user, nobody

  • News tab: everyone, identified user, nobody

Customize the logo

In the very same settings tab you can also set your own logo by simply uploading it. 

Customize feedback received message

If you go to your feature request board, you will find a setting icon on the top right corner. By clicking on that icon, you can adapt the email message sent to users once you’ve received their request. These automatic emails can be turned off in the global Gleap settings. To do that go to settings, email settings and deactivate the second toggle that says “Send feedback received email confirmations to the reporter of a new feedback item.”.

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