Translations 📣

Gleap was built for people around the world and offers translations for many languages. If we are missing a language or translation, you can simply add an additional language yourself in our visual widget configurator.

Gleap comes with English as the source language by default and offers a wide range of standard translations for languages like as German (DE), Spanish (ES), Dutch (NL), Czech (CZ), French (FR), Italian (IT), etc. All languages are listed below.

Default language

Gleap automatically picks the device or browser language as default language. If the device language is not available, it will switch to English as a fallback. 

Languages configuration

In the lanugage section in the settings, you have the flexibility to enhance the user experience by adding multiple languages alongside the default language, English. This enables you to provide your users with content in their preferred language. To do this, follow these steps:

Adding languages

Here is the way to add languages:

  1. Access Widget Configuration: First, navigate to the settings section and then to languages.

  2. Click "Add Language": Within the widget configuration, you'll find an option labeled "Add Language." Click on this button.

  3. Select Your Desired Language: A dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to choose the language you want to add.

  4. Save Changes: After selecting the language, don't forget to save your changes. This ensures that the new language is properly integrated into your widget.

Right-to-Left font configuration

For languages that are written from right to left, such as Arabic, you can configure the widget to display text in the correct direction.

Static translations

Once you've added languages to your widget, you can manage static translations for each language under the "static translations" section. Static translations allow you to customize the content for each language, ensuring a tailored experience for your users.

In the center top of the widget, you'll find a language selector that allows users to change the language for static translations. This empowers users to access content in their preferred language effortlessly.

By following these steps, you can provide a more inclusive and localized experience for your users, making your widget accessible to a wider audience.

Edit content that uses multiple languages

In Gleap you have the capability to select multiple languages for most content types. For example, if you intend to create an article in both English and Spanish, it's necessary to preconfigure Spanish in the widget settings. After this initial setup, when you're editing an article, you can effortlessly choose the desired language using a dedicated button.

This streamlined process ensures efficient content management in multiple languages, enhancing the usability of your software and accommodating diverse audiences.

Overwrite the default language

In some situations you might want to overwrite the device or browser language with a custom language (e.g. if you have your own language toggle on your website or in your app). This can be achieved with the following method. 

// 2 digit ISO 

// 5 digit ISO code with lang

Supported Languages for Translations

Gleap supports a wide range of languages to cater to diverse user needs. Here is a list of the supported languages:

  1. Afar (aa)

  2. Abkhazian (ab)

  3. Avestan (ae)

  4. Afrikaans (af)

  5. Akan (ak)

  6. Amharic (am)

  7. Aragonese (an)

  8. Arabic (ar)

  9. Assamese (as)

  10. Avaric (av)

  11. Aymara (ay)

  12. Azerbaijani (az)

  13. Bashkir (ba)

  14. Belarusian (be)

  15. Bulgarian (bg)

  16. Bihari (bh)

  17. Bislama (bi)

  18. Bengali (bn)

  19. Tibetan (bo)

  20. Breton (br)

  21. Bosnian (bs)

  22. Catalan (ca)

  23. Chechen (ce)

  24. Chamorro (ch)

  25. Corsican (co)

  26. Cree (cr)

  27. Czech (cs)

  28. Church Slavic (cu)

  29. Chuvash (cv)

  30. Welsh (cy)

  31. Danish (da)

  32. German (de)

  33. Divehi (dv)

  34. Dzongkha (dz)

  35. Ewe (ee)

  36. Greek (el)

  37. English (en)

  38. Esperanto (eo)

  39. Spanish (es)

  40. Estonian (et)

  41. Basque (eu)

  42. Persian (fa)

  43. Fulah (ff)

  44. Finnish (fi)

  45. Fijian (fj)

  46. Faroese (fo)

  47. French (fr)

  48. Western Frisian (fy)

  49. Irish (ga)

  50. Scottish Gaelic (gd)

  51. Galician (gl)

  52. Guarani (gn)

  53. Gujarati (gu)

  54. Manx (gv)

  55. Hausa (ha)

  56. Hebrew (he)

  57. Hindi (hi)

  58. Hiri Motu (ho)

  59. Croatian (hr)

  60. Haitian (ht)

  61. Hungarian (hu)

  62. Armenian (hy)

  63. Herero (hz)

  64. Interlingua (ia)

  65. Indonesian (id)

  66. Interlingue (ie)

  67. Igbo (ig)

  68. Sichuan Yi (ii)

  69. Inupiaq (ik)

  70. Ido (io)

  71. Icelandic (is)

  72. Italian (it)

  73. Inuktitut (iu)

  74. Japanese (ja)

  75. Javanese (jv)

  76. Georgian (ka)

  77. Kazakh (kk)

  78. Kalaallisut (kl)

  79. Khmer (km)

  80. Kannada (kn)

  81. Korean (ko)

  82. Kanuri (kr)

  83. Kashmiri (ks)

  84. Kurdish (ku)

  85. Komi (kv)

  86. Cornish (kw)

  87. Kirghiz (ky)

  88. Latin (la)

  89. Luxembourgish (lb)

  90. Ganda (lg)

  91. Limburgish (li)

  92. Lingala (ln)

  93. Lao (lo)

  94. Lithuanian (lt)

  95. Luba-Katanga (lu)

  96. Latvian (lv)

  97. Malagasy (mg)

  98. Marshallese (mh)

  99. Maori (mi)

  100. Macedonian (mk)

  101. Malayalam (ml)

  102. Mongolian (mn)

  103. Marathi (mr)

  104. Malay (ms)

  105. Maltese (mt)

  106. Burmese (my)

  107. Nauru (na)

  108. Norwegian Bokmål (nb)

  109. North Ndebele (nd)

  110. Nepali (ne)

  111. Ndonga (ng)

  112. Dutch (nl)

  113. Norwegian Nynorsk (nn)

  114. Norwegian (no)

  115. South Ndebele (nr)

  116. Navajo (nv)

  117. Chichewa (ny)

  118. Occitan (oc)

  119. Ojibwa (oj)

  120. Oromo (om)

  121. Oriya (or)

  122. Ossetian (os)

  123. Panjabi (pa)

  124. Pali (pi)

  125. Polish (pl)

  126. Pushto (ps)

  127. Portuguese (pt)

  128. Quechua (qu)

  129. Romansh (rm)

  130. Rundi (rn)

  131. Romanian (ro)

  132. Russian (ru)

  133. Kinyarwanda (rw)

  134. Sanskrit (sa)

  135. Sardinian (sc)

  136. Sindhi (sd)

  137. Northern Sami (se)

  138. Sango (sg)

  139. Sinhala (si)

  140. Slovak (sk)

  141. Slovenian (sl)

  142. Samoan (sm)

  143. Shona (sn)

  144. Somali (so)

  145. Albanian (sq)

  146. Serbian (sr)

  147. Swati (ss)

  148. Southern Sotho (st)

  149. Sundanese (su)

  150. Swedish (sv)

  151. Swahili (sw)

  152. Tamil (ta)

  153. Telugu (te)

  154. Tajik (tg)

  155. Thai (th)

  156. Tigrinya (ti)

  157. Turkmen (tk)

  158. Tagalog (tl)

  159. Tswana (tn)

  160. Tonga (to)

  161. Turkish (tr)

  162. Tsonga (ts)

  163. Tatar (tt)

  164. Twi (tw)

  165. Tahitian (ty)

  166. Uighur (ug)

  167. Ukrainian (uk)

  168. Urdu (ur)

  169. Uzbek (uz)

  170. Venda (ve)

  171. Vietnamese (vi)

  172. Volapük (vo)

  173. Walloon (wa)

  174. Wolof (wo)

  175. Xhosa (xh)

  176. Yiddish (yi)

  177. Yoruba (yo)

  178. Zhuang (za)

  179. Chinese (zh)

  180. Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) (zh_TW)

  181. Zulu (zu)

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