
Report bugs and send ratings or feedback directly from your mobile or web project to Webhooks. Send issues with all the important metadata to literally any REST API by choosing Webhooks in our integrations settings.

Report bugs and send ratings or feedback directly from your mobile or web project to Webhooks. Send issues with all the important metadata to literally any REST API by choosing Webhooks in our integrations settings.

1. Webhooks configuration

To send issues from Gleap to any REST API, first enter your Callback URL.

💡Tip: If you want, you can use PostBin to test the Webhooks first.

2. Authentication

After entering your URL, you can choose whether you want to turn authentications on or off. Obviously, turning authentications on is the saver bet. To provide greater security please enter a type and a token.

3. Advanced

Choose the feedback types you want to send. You can choose from our standard types (Bugs, Ratings, Inquiries and Feature requests) or from the custom feedback types you've set yourself. Finally, you can choose if you want duplicates to be sent, too and if you want to change the status of the tickets. 

4. You're good to go

Great job, you're now all set 🎉 All of the feedback types you've selected will now automatically be sent to the end point you've set with Webhooks together with all the important metadata and screenshots.

Edit your integration settings

If you would like to change your set of feedback types, simply click edit and adapt the settings to fit your needs.

Delete your Webhooks integration

If you no longer want to forward Gleap tickets to your set end point, click edit and then delete to stop integrating with Webhooks.

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