Zapier integration

If your favorite tool isn't among our list of integrations, then there's always Zapier. With over 2000 integrations, connect Gleap to literally any platform or service and fully automate your workflow.

1. Zapier configuration

Once you've chosen Zapier, click on "get started with our beta integration here".

2. Accept invite

You will then automatically be redirected to our invitation page. Scroll down on the page and click accept invite & build a zap.

3. Create a zap

Create a new zap and set Gleap Beta as a trigger. Choose a trigger event; e.g. Feedback created if you want feedback items to be sent to a third-party app through Zapier. Finally, choose the Gleap #2 account.

💡Tip: Creating a zap can be quite daunting. Check out the information under this link for some useful further inputs on setting Zapier up.

4. Sing in to Gleap

Hit continue and then sign in to Gleap. Simply copy the API key from the Gleap app as shown in the screenshot below and hit continue, again.

5. Test your trigger

Click on test trigger to see if your setup worked. Zapier will then automatically go and find a recent Gleap feedback item for you. Hit continue to then set an action.

6. Set action event

Choose the app you want to perform an action in and set the action you want to perform, too. You can then either perform a test or continue without doing so.

7. Turn on your zap

Now turn on your zap and Zapier is ready. Finally, you can choose if you want duplicates to be sent, too and if you want to change the status of the ticket to done once it’s sent.

8. Save your integration in the Gleap app

Go back to your Gleap app and hit save. That's it, now you're completely done. I guess congratulations are in order 😉🎉 New feedback items will now automatically be sent to your set third-party integration through Zapier together with all the important metadata and screenshots.

Edit your integration settings

If you would like to change your set of feedback types or if you would like to change your zap, simply click edit and adapt the settings to fit your needs.

Delete your Zapier integration

If you no longer want to forward Gleap issues to a third-party app through Zapier, click edit and then delete to stop integrating with Zapier.

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