Stripe integration

Learn how to connect Gleap with Stripe.

This guide aims to illustrate how to integrate Gleap with Stripe. By linking these two platforms, you will be able to access Stripe contact information such as charges, customer details, and subscription information, directly within Gleap, while you're addressing a Gleap ticket.

Integration Steps

Follow these steps to connect your Gleap and Stripe accounts:

  1. Navigate to your Gleap dashboard and select "Integrations" from the main menu.

  2. Click on "+ Add new integration".

  3. Now, you need to get your Stripe API key. This key will be used to query the Stripe API for customer information.

    1. Log into your Stripe account and navigate to the Developers section in the dashboard. There, you will find your API keys.

    2. Now click on "+ Create restricted key".

    3. Gleap requires read access to "All core resources" and "All Billing resources". This ensures that Gleap can't perform any write requests with your API key.

  4. Go back to Gleap and paste your Stripe API key into the appropriate field, then click 'Save'.

After completing these steps, Gleap will attempt to load the Stripe customer information for every contact.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Gleap match Stripe customers?

Gleap uses a three-step strategy to match contacts to their corresponding Stripe customers:

1) Gleap first checks if the Gleap contact has a stripeCustomerId property in its custom data. If it exists, Gleap searches for a Stripe customer with a matching customer ID. You can simply set the stripeCustomerId like this:

Gleap.identify("19283", {
    name: "Franz",
    email: "",
    customData: {
        stripeCustomerId: "cus_YOUR_STRIPE_CUSTOMER_ID",

2) If no customer is found, or if the stripeCustomerId property is not present, Gleap then searches for a Stripe user with the same email address as the contact.

3) If both steps above fail, Gleap looks for a Stripe user that matches the domain of the contact's email address. This method is not applicable for domains from public email providers like Gmail, Hotmail, and so forth.

With this process, Gleap ensures to make the most accurate match possible between Gleap contacts and Stripe customers.

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