Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Learn how to enable enable two-factor authentication (2FA) in Gleap.

How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with Passkeys in Gleap

In today's digital landscape, enhancing your online security is more crucial than ever. Gleap provides you with a robust Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) system, incorporating the modern security feature of passkeys. Here's a step-by-step guide on enabling 2FA with passkeys in Gleap.

What Are Passkeys?

Before diving into the setup process, it's essential to understand passkeys. A passkey is a cryptographic tool that operates in the background, offering an advanced layer of security compared to traditional passwords. When used for authentication, it works alongside biometric features available on your device.

Benefits of Using Passkeys for 2FA

  • Strengthened Security: Passkeys use a dual-key mechanism, enhancing the protection against unauthorized access.

  • Simplified Experience: Say goodbye to the hassle of remembering complicated passwords. Passkeys streamline the login process.

  • Universal Access: Passkeys work seamlessly across various platforms, including Android, iOS, and modern browsers.

  • Phishing Prevention: As each passkey is unique to the service it's designed for, the risk of phishing attacks is significantly reduced.

Steps to Enable 2FA with Passkeys in Gleap

  1. Navigate to your profile settings (icon in the bottom left corner)

  2. Select 2FA: From the available options, select or tap on 2FA.

  3. Enable Passkeys: Now, click on Add passkey. You will now need to select which device you want to use to add the passkey. You will be prompted to authenticate using a device's biometric feature or provide a one-time verification code sent to your email or phone.

  4. Complete the Setup: Follow any subsequent on-screen prompts to complete the 2FA setup with passkeys.

By completing these steps, you've successfully added an extra layer of protection to your Gleap account.

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