Trigger and publishing workflows

Effortlessly activate and share your automated workflows for seamless user engagement.

Configuring trigger settings

Custom bots can be triggered either by triggers or manually by code.

Trigger automatically

To activate the workflow, you need to configure the trigger settings in the middle at the top. Here, you specify when and under what conditions the workflow should be displayed.

Right now, there are three types of triggers for when to start a bot:

  • when a conversation starts,

  • when a ticket is created and

  • when a ticket is closed.

For ticket triggers you can choose from all types of tickets.

In addition to the trigger, you can also set an audience, to show different bots, to different audiences with different properties.

If multiple custom bots match while the trigger becomes active, we use the bot with the highest priority. Set the priority based on what you thing which custom bot is more important.

Manually start a bot

You can always manually start a bot by code. Simply use the following method to do so.


Publish the workflow

After you have configured the trigger settings, you can click "Publish" and your workflow will be active and triggered automatically when the defined conditions are met.

Creating a workflow in Gleap enables you to build interactive and automated processes for your users, enhancing their experience and efficiently collecting information. Make use of this feature to boost the efficiency and user-friendliness of your application.

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