Reports about Kai

Here you can see the most different insight about their bot

In today's world of customer support, automation plays a pivotal role in delivering fast and efficient solutions to customer inquiries. Gleap, a leading customer support software, offers a comprehensive range of features, including the "Kai" bot, which helps expedite the support process. But how do you know how effective your bot is? This is where insights and metrics come into play.

info icon
You can change the name of Kai within the automation (AI bot). Once the new name is set, it will replace "Kai" everywhere.

The Significance of Insights

Insights are discoveries and information gleaned from data. Concerning customer support, insights shed light on how well your bot is performing, what issues are arising, and where improvement opportunities lie. In Gleap, insights are an integral part of the software, providing a wealth of information about the performance of your "Kai" bot.

Key Metrics in Gleap

Answer rate

The "Answer rate" indicates how many inquiries your bot successfully answered. A high answer rate signifies that your bot effectively responds to customer queries.

No answer rate

The "No answer rate" reveals how many inquiries your bot couldn't answer. This could indicate weaknesses in the bot's configuration and may require adjustments.

Deflection rate

The "Deflection rate" shows how often your bot successfully directed customer inquiries to other resources or sections of your website. A high deflection rate suggests that your bot effectively handles inquiries and assists customers directly.

routed to agent rate

The "routed to agent rate" indicates how often your bot redirected customer inquiries to human support agents. This may point to complex inquiries requiring human expertise.

Total answers, total no answers, total deflection, total routed to agent

These metrics provide a summary view of your bot's overall performance, allowing you to track the total number of answers, unanswered inquiries, successful deflections, and redirections to human agents.

Charts for enhanced visualization

In addition to the above metrics, Gleap also provides graphical representations that visualize the trend of these metrics over a selected timeframe. These charts facilitate better analysis and trend identification.

Kai involved and Kai answered

The "Kai involved" and "Kai answered" metrics offer specific insights into the engagement and performance of your "Kai" bot. "Kai involved" indicates how often your bot was involved in customer interactions, while "Kai answered" denotes how often it successfully answered customer inquiries.

Optimize your bot performance

The insights and metrics in Gleap are more than just numbers; they are valuable tools for monitoring your "Kai" bot's performance, identifying weaknesses, and making continuous improvements. By utilizing this data, you can optimize customer support, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase your team's efficiency.

In Gleap, it's not just about having a bot; it's about ensuring that this bot works effectively and provides your customers with the best possible service. With insights and metrics, you have control over your "Kai" bot's performance, enabling you to further expand and enhance your customer support ecosystem.

Overall, the insights and metrics in Gleap provide the means to measure and continuously improve the success of your customer support. Utilize this valuable information to optimize your "Kai" bot and deliver top-notch support.

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