Reports about conversation rating

In-depth insights into conversation rating metrics in Gleap reports.

In the realm of customer support, understanding how your interactions are perceived by your users is crucial for delivering exceptional service. The "Conversation rating" feature in Gleap reports provides valuable data to help you gauge user satisfaction and make data-driven improvements to your support strategies.

Average conversation rating (in %)

The "Average conversation rating" is a pivotal metric that provides an overview of user satisfaction with your support interactions. It's expressed as a percentage and reflects the average rating given by users after engaging with your support channels. A higher percentage typically indicates higher user satisfaction, while a lower percentage might signal areas that need attention.

Average conversation rating (as a graph)

Data visualization can offer insights at a glance, and Gleap reports doesn't disappoint. With the "Average conversation rating" represented as a graph, you can easily track trends and patterns in user satisfaction over time. This graphical representation allows you to identify spikes or dips in rating scores, helping you pinpoint the moments when your support truly shines or needs improvement.

Average conversation rating per user

Understanding how individual users rate their interactions can be invaluable. Gleap reports goes beyond the aggregate data to provide the "Average conversation rating per user." This metric breaks down ratings on a user-by-user basis, giving you a comprehensive view of the user experience. Identifying specific users who consistently provide high or low ratings can help you tailor your support approach to meet their needs.

Incorporating the "Conversation rating" feature into your support strategy empowers you to continuously enhance your customer interactions. By tracking and analyzing these metrics, you can fine-tune your support processes, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately elevate the satisfaction levels of your users.

In conclusion, Gleap reports' "Conversation rating" feature equips you with the tools needed to measure and enhance user satisfaction. Harness the power of these metrics to deliver outstanding support experiences and build lasting customer relationships.

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