Design a workflow

Create your custom bots with ease and efficiency using a user-friendly visual canvas.

The custom workflow canvas

After you have successfully created a workflow, you will now see a canvas, which includes all the flows and actions your custom bot performs. There is one empty flow already present after creation. This is the "Start" flow, which will be executed when your bot becomes active.

To make your custom bot perform an action, you will now need to add a new action block to the empty flow. Click on the "+" icon to add your first action.

All available actions and what they are used for can be found here.

Creating a simple flow

Let's assume we want to send a welcome message to the user, followed by a question that presents two options: "Report a Bug" and "General question". Depending on the user's choice, we will either proceed with the bug reporting process or transfer the conversation to Kai, our AI-powered answer bot.

To achieve this, we will begin by adding a "Write a Message" block and inputting our welcome message. Next, we will incorporate a "Buttons" block, which enables us to present multiple options to the user. After defining the options, click on the arrow icon adjacent to each one to assign a new flow for that specific choice. The corresponding flow will be executed when the user selects that option.

The final output will look like this:

Congratulations, you just created your first custom bot with some custom flows.

Have you designed everything? Then read now how to trigger the workflows and publish them under the article "Publishing workflows".

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