Creating a workflow

Learn more about how to create a workflow for a custom bot

Accessing the automation feature

To create a workflow in Gleap, look for a lightning bolt in the left menu bar and click on the "Automation" section.

Navigating to workflow creation

Here you can manage your workflow automations. To create a new workflow, click on "Create workflow" in the upper right corner.

Setting the workflow name

A new workflow will be created with the default name "New workflow." Click on this name to customize it. You can change the title of the workflow in the top left and adjust it for multiple languages if needed.

Designing your workflow

After you set the name of the workflow, you can enter the design area. Here you can create the workflow and guide the bot through the process. You can add various actions and conditions to customize the workflow to your requirements.

How to design a workflow:

To learn how to properly design a workflow, see the "Design a workflow" article.

Design a workflow

Create your custom bots with ease and efficiency using a user-friendly visual canvas.

Examples of workflow use cases:

The individual workflow settings are explained in the Helpcenter article "Workflow actions".

Workflow actions

Learn more about all available bot actions.

Saving the workflow

Once you've completed your workflow design, click "Save" in the top right to save your changes. Keep in mind that saving the workflow doesn't automatically activate it.

Configuring trigger setting and publish the workflow

To learn how to config the trigger and publish the workflow please read through the "Trigger and publishing workflows" article.

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